Above, we have got a sensational library designed by Katie Ridder. Located inside a Manhattan townhouse this inside blends floral curtains with an ottoman appliqued with classic textiles, fantastically mixing earlier with new. An superior occasion of maximalism, this home makes use of the idea of accumulate, don’t beautify.
Katie Ridder’s work showcases an impressive use of textiles and patterns. The combination of old and new seems to create a story within the space, which is something many homeowners might find appealing.
The design choices in Katie Ridder’s library are quite intriguing. The blend of vintage and modern elements creates a unique atmosphere. I appreciate how the floral curtains add a touch of warmth to the space.
This article presents a fascinating overview of a well-designed space. I believe that incorporating various design elements can enhance a room’s character, making it feel more lived-in and inviting for guests.
The library’s aesthetic is a refreshing departure from minimalism. I find the concept of mixing different styles to be very engaging, especially with how it can reflect personal history and interests.
This article highlights an interesting take on maximalism. The idea of accumulating rather than decorating is thought-provoking. I’m curious about how this design philosophy can be applied in smaller spaces.